New Course Development Grants

New Course Development Grants focus on developing instructional materials for new online distance education courses. Courses can be delivered through synchronous and/or asynchronous methods.

New Course Development Grants receive support from FBNS Distance Education personnel. The type and level of involvement depend on the complexity and nature of the instructional solutions to be developed and the grant recipient’s existing skill set. Grant recipients will be directed to useful course development resources and assisted with designing effective and pedagogically appropriate learning solutions. Depending on the availability of resources and the need within the course, FBNS DE staff may also create web-based and multimedia learning materials.

All supported projects begin with collaboration between the grant recipient and the designated FBNS instructional designer (Jessica White) who work together to complete a comprehensive analysis of the identified challenges in designing and offering the course so that a project plan founded in best pedagogical practices may be created.   This plan helps ensure that the project remains focused on developing quality solutions that impact student success.  

Grant recipients are expected to commit time and energy to the project (approximately 5-10 hours per week) and to actively collaborate with FBNS staff to co-develop materials and activities that support learning objectives. This work includes exploring technology-supported strategies to help students develop higher-order thinking skills, such as critical evaluation, creative thinking, and reflection (see the NC State Th!nk Program) in addition to professionalism and success skills.

Materials are developed for the following areas:

  • Content delivery, which can include:
    • Structure an engaging framework for content developed by the faculty using the many tools available in Moodle.
  • Activities, which can include:
    • Writing stimulating discussion board questions;
    • Structuring technologies to encourage student collaboration;
    • Using Google docs for group work on projects or assignments;
    • Employing social media applications for team-building, information distribution, or group data collection;
    • Using synchronous communication tools; design individual and group learning activities;
    • Constructing or adapting interactive activities.
  • Assessment of learning mastery, which can include:
    • Designing or developing appropriate self-checks, quizzes or surveys;
    • Building assignments and assessments that measure achievement of learning objectives.


New Course Development Grant recipients can receive financial assistance toward the completion of their projects with the hope the course receives QM certification.  Part of our goal as a department is to design quality online courses to enhance the department’s distance education (DE) offerings.  In order to do so, we design courses that follow QM standards and best practices of online learning.  FBNS staff support is not paid from the award. During the course of the project, FBNS may provide additional funding to support video production, captioning, part-time labor or other services as needed.


Any FBNS faculty or staff member is eligible to apply for a New Course Development grant.  The course needs to have gone through the correct university approval channels and be expected to be taught/delivered during the 2020-2021 or following (2021-2022) school year.

Proposal Requirements

The submission portal will ask you for the following information:

Principal Investigator:

  • Name
  • Title
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Names of Additional Participants


Provide a short summary of the project proposed. This summary should include why the course is needed developed, what you hope to accomplish with the new course, and how you anticipate teaching this course in an online environment.

Project Details:

Sections in the portal may ask you to provide the information requested below.

  • Course Information
    • Prerequisites
    • Associated Labs
  • Additional Information
    • Alignment to FBNS Strategic Plan
    • Collaboration with Other Faculty/Staff
    • Anticipated Timeline
    • Impact Beyond FBNS
  • Working with FBNS DE Staff
  • Project Participants
    • Discuss who will be involved in the project and their anticipated role. For instance, if additional faculty members or graduate assistants will be involved, describe what each person’s role in the project will be.

Plan for Award:

Because awarded funds vary depending on the project, New Course Development Grant proposals should include an itemized budget and how they intend to receive QM certification.

All funds must be spent in accordance with all deadlines established by the university, CALS, and FBNS. Please note that awards are state-appropriated funds and are subject to all applicable university, college, and departmental rules for such funds.  

Instructor Materials:

Submit a link to a copy of your current course syllabus, or if there are multiple faculty working on the New Course Development, submit a link to a copy of each instructor’s syllabus.

Grant Requirements


  • For Credit Course: The course for this project must be a credit-bearing course at North Carolina State University.
  • Course Delivery and Assessment:
    • Courses must be delivered at least once between Spring 2021 and Fall 2021.
  • Funding: All funds must be spent within the current fiscal year and in accordance with all deadlines established by the university, CALS, and FBNS. Please note that awards are state-appropriated funds and are subject to all applicable university, college, and departmental rules for such funds. Applicants should contact their unit’s budget officer for specifics on spending.
  • Accessibility: The accessibility of online educational materials to the broadest possible audience is an important goal for FBNS and is ethically and legally required. If you receive a FBNS Grant, we will develop course content in compliance with accessibility guidelines. At times, this may limit the types of learning materials we create in the course of meeting your learning objectives and finding solutions to your challenges.

Review Process


FBNS reviews proposals for their potential to strategically impact Online and Distance Education courses within the FBNS department at NC State. At any time in the review process, FBNS staff may contact you for more information about your project. FBNS will prioritize proposals based on the degree to which the proposed project addresses:


  • Departmental strategic initiatives
  • Potential impact outside NC State and FBNS
  • Benefits of new learning opportunities to the primary target audience of non-campus, “true” Online and Distance Education program students
  • Collaboration between faculty/staff members
  • Faculty/staff commitment to working on project


For questions about this grant, please email Jessica White at  


Submit a Proposal

FBNS Grant Proposals must be submitted electronically from the FBNS Grants RFP (completed in Google Forms). Once you have filled out the application form and clicked “Submit,” your proposal will be sent to the appropriate reviewers for consideration. If for any reason you have to stop filling out the form and start again later, the form will not retain the information previously submitted.  It may be best to print a copy of the RFP, draft your answers in a Google or Word Document and then copy them over to the Google Forms portal.